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The 9 emotions and the 6 steps of their evolution

Coming to terms with where our emotional body is really at through self-contemplation is a window for inner self acceptance. When we embrace self acceptance we can then flourish with a new possibility of emotional and creative evolution.

About the emotional body

The emotional body is located within the earth bodies (physical, etheric, emotional and mental.) The earth bodies are perishable, impermanent and in constant decay. The emotional body has a plasma-like texture (plasma is a state of matter. Here, it is a gelatinous or gas-like body.) It has a strong ability to fluctuate and gives passion and intensity.
This body is located between 2 and 4 inches from your physical body. It is connected with your third chakra and the water element. It is also connected to the nine emotions.
Your nine emotions are the palette and color of your personality. They give you physical sensations (for example, as sadness makes you cry) and they are under the influence of your gunas (the qualities of the elements.)