what exactly the rays are, and what we do in this one day workshop.?
The rays are part of your inner physiology. They are like corridors or luminous rays of lights, like tubes that gather in the heart center.

There are 12 of them, 6 are attached to the earth and 6 to the sky, all together form a mandala, a sun that completes your brilliance and your wholeness.
The magic part of the rays is that each one of them connects us with a specific dimension in time and space. A dimension that holds entire civilizations of beings that are part of us, within us and around us. They may be seen as guides or helpers in making you realize you are a co-creator of earth's multidimensionality.
At this point of the evolution of earth each ray has a significant play in your inner structure and configuration.
If we can imagine that we are a molecule of water, like the one that the Japanese scientist Masuro Emoto depicts in his work, and each of us have a basic common look that implies a center, 4 rings related to matter, 4 rings related to love and 4 related to vibration. Part of that basic structure also has 12 rays that gather in the center to make us an amazing, bright vibrational and light being.
I feel reassured when I encounter works and comments like Dr. Masuro Emoto or NASA revelations (like this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tW5KkTokPSQ&feature=related), because it is simply the same thing, scientists and mystics are getting closer to agreeing on the nature of the existence and discovering that in this time of earth challenges, we do need a strong inner structure that holds the energy of new challenges and is able to sustain transformation.
In this One day retreat we contemplate on each of their significance, their relationship to other dimensions and your relationship to enfront their gift. The day really is an empowerment of parts of you that are there for you to use, it supplies you with a profound understanding of where you are andchallenges you to embrace new ways of seeing your world.