
Ashwagandha the restoring herb (VP-, K+ and ama+)

by Satkiana
"That which has the smell of a horse, as it gives the smell and sexual vitality of a horse."

Still interested?...honestly, I haven't found it to be too "horsey."

You want to take this herb if you are experiencing any of the following:
lacking vitality
experiencing insomnia
low libido
aging concerns, like loss of memory and debility
loss of muscular energy
tissue deficiency
weak eyes
difficult breathing
glandular swelling.

How ashwagandha will benefit you:
the Ayurvedic equivalent of Ginseng...but much cheaper
helps build and tone the tissues
rejuvenates the body
supports and strengthens the nervous system
calms nervous conditions
stimulates the sex drive.
can be used by children and adults of all ages
stabilizes the fetus in weak, pregnant women
regenerates the hormonal system
heals tissues
can be used externally on wounds or sore to heal the tissues
great for night workers who have sleep disturbances
promotes deep, dreamless sleep
can be used by those who suffer from chronic diseases

Precautions in taking this herb:
do not take ashwagandha if you have high ama, (toxins), or severe congestion

Taking Ashwagandha:
You can take 1 tsp, 3x's daily with meals.
Place the powdered herb in your mouth and swallow it with a glass of warm water.
You can also mix a little honey with the herb, as it does not have the most pleasant taste.

Where to buy it:
You can find ashwagandha at most health food stores. Or, you can order it online from Banyan Botanicals. They are based in New Mexico and sell a great variety of Ayurvedic herbs. www.banyanbotanicals.com
May you be nourished and restored in your full vitality!


1 comment:

  1. You can read more about Ashwagandha herb here - http://ayurveda-foryou.com/ayurveda_herb/ashwagandha.html


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