
Home Care for the Nose, mouth and Throat

care for your nose :
Keeping the sinus and nasal passages clean provides a clear entry point to the mind.  Prana can flow freely, thus allowing life to be lived with joy and loving kindness.

When these passages get blocked, the life force is also blocked.  Emotions may be fearful or depressed.  We tend to feel sluggish, fatigued and our minds are foggy.  Breathing though the mouth does not provide us with the optimal intake of prana that nose breathing gives us.

The nose is connected with the Kapha dosha.  When there is too much kapha in the body, one becomes congested and ama, toxins), become stored in the tissues of the body.  The following are some helpful techniques for clearing ama from the nose and sinus cavities.

NETI a way to clean your nostrils

Neti is the procedure where a warm saline solution is applied into the nasal passages to release accumulated mucous and toxins.  It can be done every morning, upon awakening.  For colds, allergies, sinusitis or excessive mucous, do it once again before bed.  If the sinus passages sting during neti, try reducing the amount of salt used.  Do not do neti if a serious infection is present.  If the nostrils become too dry, discontinue neti for a few days until the condition resolves itself.  See notes below on applying ghee to nostrils.

Using a neti pot:
            1/8 tsp rock or sea salt
            1c water
            neti pot

Boil pure water and dissolve the salt in it.

Add cool water to the mixture to bring it to a warm, comfortable temperature to apply into your nostrils.

Decide which nostril is the most blocked.  You will cleanse this nostril first, which means you will apply the neti pot spout to the clearer nostril first.  The water will go up into this nostril and down through the more blocked nostril.
If you are beginning with the left nostril, then place the right hand behind the back.

Cup the neti pot in your left hand.

Bend forward, keeping your spine straight.

Tilt your head so that the nostril you will begin to fill is pointing up.

Bring the neti pot up to the nostril and slowly begin filling the nostril with the saline solution.

The water may go through and out the other nostril quite quickly, or it may drip out very slowly.  It depends on how blocked-up your sinuses and nasal passages are.  If you feel pain in your sinuses, try tilting your head and repositioning until the water is flowing through the other nostril.

When you have finished with one side, you can pinch your nose and squeeze out excess water and mucous.  Do not blow your nose, as this can result in water going into the ear canal, which can remain there creating a bacterial infection.

Repeat on the opposite side.

Nasal drying:
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and bend forward, placing your hands on your knees.

Tilt your head from side to side while gently forcing air out of your nose with each turn of your head.  Have a kleenex handy. Once your nasal passages feel dry, gently blow your nose.

Nasal drops clean the sinuses and improve voice, vision mental clarity and help to keep the nostrils lubricated.  They also prevent allergens from entering into the sinuses.  In addition they can be helpful in preventing nosebleeds, (ghee is a homeostatic, it stops bleeding).

Put 3-5 drops of warm ghee, (vata and pitta) or warm sesame oil, (vata or kapha), into each nostril.  If you don't have a dropper bottle, you can use your little finger.  Once the oil is in, inhale it up your nose by pinching and releasing your nose as your inhale.

A more powerful remedy for severe sinus congestion and pain is to use garlic juice.  Press or squeeze out some fresh garlic juice.  Using an eyedropper, pick up some juice and insert a few drops into each nostril.  Keep your head tilted back for about five minutes to let the juice do its work, then sit up and let it drain out onto a tissue.  The garlic juice may burn and sting.  The relief to come will make it worth your while...your sinuses will be clear.  Do this once a day as needed or up to 3 times a day for a severe sinus attack.

The nose is the doorway to the brain.  Use of nose drops nourishes prana and enlivens consciousness and intelligence.

The sinus cavities are constantly draining into the nose.  They serve to keep the nasal passages moist and to amplify the voice when we speak.  Cold drinks, smoking and excessive consumption of dairy products can clog the sinus passages leading to infection.

Herbal Decongestant:
A mixture of fresh ginger juice, (or freshly grated ginger pulp), with 1 teaspoon honey taken 2-3 times daily can help drain the sinus passages.

Medicated Steam:
This is amazingly effective in helping to clear up painful, congested sinuses.

Heat up about a cupful of water and add 3 to 5 drops of eucalyptus oil.  Turn off the flame, cover your head with a towel, lean over the pot and inhale the steam. You can also use ginger in the same way.  Take 1 inch of fresh ginger, chop it into pieces, and boil it in about a cup of water.  Then cover your head and inhale the ginger steam.  It will be effective for draining the sinuses. (you can use powdered ginger as a back-up if you don't have any fresh)

Sinus Headache:
Try mixing 1/2-teaspoon cinnamon with enough water to make a paste, and apply locally.


Gargling stimulates and soothes the sense organs, freshens the breath and invigorates the mind.  Hold the liquid in your mouth with a swishing motion for 1-2 minutes.  Rinse with water.  Repeat 3 X's.  You can repeat 3x's gargling in the back of the throat, if you wish.

Bad breath; red spots on tongue; bad teeth; strengthens gums; sweet voice; ulcers; cancer; removes wrinkles from cheeks; insomnia; removes mucous; aids in any problems from the neck up.
The best time is in the morning, after cleaning your teeth and tongue and before neti.  However, you can also gargle in the evening, 3 hrs after eating.

The Gargles by Dosha:
1 tbsp sesame oil, 1/2 c milk, 1/2 c water

Use pitta recipe, add a pinch alum

1/2 tsp trikatu, 1/4 tsp alum, 1/2 c water, 1/2 c milk, 1/8 tsp honey

1 c milk, 1/2 tsp honey, 1tbsp ghee

Pitta Kapha
Same as pitta, plus add 1 tsp trikatu

1/2 tsp trikatu, 1 c warm water, 1/2 tsp honey

Not recommended for:
Children under age 5
The old and weak
Night shift workers

Sore Throat
A sore throat is caused by irritation and inflammation of the throat.  This condition is generally quite easy to remedy using Ayurvedic methods.

Use 1 cup of hot water with 1/2-tsp turmeric and 1/2-tsp sea salt.  Gargle with this mixture morning and evening.

Turmeric milk:
Drinking 1 cup of hot milk boiled with 1/2-tsp turmeric is also helpful for a sore throat.

Soothing herbal tea:
The following ginger-cinnamon-licorice tea also works well.

Ginger 2 parts
Cinnamon 2 parts
Licorice 3 parts

Steep 1 teaspoon of the herbal mixture in water for 5 to 10 minutes and drink up to 3 times a day.

Dairy products, (with the exception of the turmeric milk), cold food and drinks.  These create mucous, increasing kapha and can worsen a sore throat, leading to a secondary illness.


Make your own Tooth Powder

Good for toothaches in children
Whitens teeth
Lessens negative effects of gingivitis
Removes toxins
Cleanses saliva glands, purifies pitta

2 tsp triphala
2 tsp trikatu
2 pinches alum
1/2 tsp tumeric
1 tsp rock salt

Mix ingredients together.  Place approximately 1 tsp of powder in non-dominant hand.  Wet the middle finger of the dominant hand and apply powder, massaging the mouth, gums and teeth.

 Visit satkiana.com to reserve your ayurvedic treatment.

1 comment:

  1. neti pots is best device to reducing sinus allergies.I have badly sinus problem.Then i have used neti pot and it help me a lot to reducing my sinus problem.I love net pot.


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