
Tuesday Night Meditation: The First Chakra

The first three chakras are receptive. When we are not in receiving mode, we go into greed: for sex, for money, for power. We are lacking in surrender. But really, to be on Earth is to have confidence that you are being taken care of. It is a feminine quality.

When there is no trust, instead we have insecurities that need to be fed. For example, when the teacher gives you a gift, but then you question why you need it.

Be open to receiving the gift of life

The first chakra is our first test of our ability to be receptive. There needs to be a simple surrender to the divine, to the earth. Have you seen a dog when she gets to know you and trust you? She lies down on her back, exposing her belly, as if to say, “Pet me!”

It’s like that.

The first chakra is where we allow ourselves to be penetrated by life, symbolically and physically.

If you negate what life gives you, you are obstructing success in wealth, in health and in relationships. Our homework this week is to observe how the gift gives and the conditions we put on receiving that gift.

Over the next seven weeks we will be embarking on a journey into the central channel. Next week: the second chakra.

Weekly meditations take place every Tuesday from 6 to 7 p.m. at Cuppedia Cafe, 97 Main Street, Ottawa. The next monthly meditation in Wakefield takes place on October 29. For more information, visit http://www.bhuvaneswari.ca

1 comment:

  1. I have observed that the gift is always giving...just not in the way I expect or want!

    Often the gifts come in the form of opportunities and challenges. My challenge within that is to be fearless, to accept the gifts and to work with them.

    Instead, however, I put on a cloak of absolute denial and avoid almost 100% the gifts that are laid out for me...out of fear of failure and out of fear of participating fully in the world where I am exposed to potential criticism and ridicule.

    There is also immaturity and laziness related to not wanting to sacrifice and put in the work required to bring the gifts to fruition.


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