
Vata season is here!

Signs that you are feeling the influence of the Fall change of season:
You feel spacey and find it difficult to focus
Your skin feels dry and rough
You have a cold
You want to sleep longer
You feel more sensitive or emotional
You have less stamina
You don't want to go outside
You feel anxious, nervous, worried or all of the above
You want to take more hot baths
You are constipated
Your digestion is poor, with gas and bloating

How to temper the air element and meet the Fall change of season with ease:
Breathe, breathe, breathe...long, slow, deep.  This will ground you, keep you in your body and relieve anxiety.

Cold Showers: believe it or not!  Cold showers strengthen your nervous system and actually leave you feeling warmer in the end and make you able to tolerate the cold better.
Warm, moist, heavy, oily, sweet, salty and sour foods: these foods ground the body and mind, build tissues, help the body to retain moisture and create warmth in the body. Some examples are: ghee, dry ginger powder, honey (do not heat honey), sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, basmatti rice (with warming spices like cinnamon and ginger), almonds (soaked overnight and skins removed) and chai spiced tea.

Warm Oil Massage: Sesame oil is warming and heavy.  It is grounding and lubricating.  It is one of the best ways to calm Vata.  Warm it first (on stove), and apply to body with strokes moving towards the heart.  Take extra care to massage the joints.  If you have a partner, ask them to massage you...gentle and soothing is the key for this season.  Or, book a massage with me...I offer a relaxation massage that will soothe away the Fall chillies and willies.

Routine: Establish a realistic and regular daily routine that includes regular meals and getting to bed by 10pm.  Try not to rush around and pack too many things into your day.  The wind is moving quickly, so try to balance it by moving more slowly.

Warm Drinks: Keep drinking lots of water, as we tend to dry out during the Fall and Winter. Make sure you take warm water.  Cold water and ice water kill the digestive fire, which inhibit the digestive process.

Upliftment: Stay grounded, yet uplifted with joyful, calming music.  Snatam Kaur's album Grace is always a beautiful one.  Sing in the shower...it will help you to endure the cold ones.  Smile more and drop the little things that are really no big deal.  Remember...this too shall pass!

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