
Loving attention

Do you want to make it better?

Have you ever had the feeling that you want to improve yourself on the level of health ,personality or communications skills? 

Yes, this is a natural tendency we all have for expansion and for self  improvement, it can be however a trap when we don't take what I call the will-less approach.

As I see people day after day, I distinctively see over and over again the human tendency of self improvement by the use of an inner  effort,  and by creating a strategy with the  expectation that it will fix them . I see this tendency as people often ask me HOW CAN I FIX MYSELF ?
This innocent question initiates  endless thoughts and plans as the mind  projects us into the future sacrificing our spontaneous view and experience of life .

The curious thing is that what we are usually trying to fix is a unseen feeling of guilt.
We have a  hard time accepting life's rough teachings. We expect to learn without making mistakes, and as we inevitably do we judge ourselves because it does not fit with our high standards of perfection and with our self image .
Most often this type of guilt has no real foundation in reality. It is there because of our ridiculously  high self expectations to be constantly perfect.

This attitude can be relaxed by giving yourself a reality check, by honestly asking yourself if you are truly guilty of not doing your best in life's situations .
 If this false guilt is not confronted often with affection and neutral overviews, we will continue to engage in a  false and exhausting drive to redeem ourselves .

The sad part is that we truly believe that we need to make tremendous efforts towards redemption to give ourselves a feeling of freedom and peace of mind. I can tell you that all efforts of self improvement that are coming from that place are not going to work. You may feel clever, smart and in control, but really what  you are doing is avoiding your true self .

The power of attention
When I mention to my class that all is required to liberate inner rigidity is undivided loving attention, they look at me like this is too simple to be true.
It is actually a very simple act, so simple in fact that it makes the mind restless .
It is a powerful moment when the breath, the mind and the body join in a smile, in an acceptance that you are just what you are in that specific moment of your learning process.
By being quiet and by slowing down your daily activities you will naturally meet that place.

I have witnessed real magic in healing and in inner awareness when we tap into that space sincerely and affectionately.

Effort wants control, understanding.
Neutral attention only contemplates what is there with no pretensions or ideas of how to make better.
Attention brings contemplation,
contemplation brings beauty
beauty brings harmony and gratitude.

It is that moment when the true creator inside of you
emerges in full power and glory and explodes it's light in all 6 directions.
You become a living testimony of abundance, presence and love.


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful ... simple and beautiful Dianne


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