
What about January?

6 steps to ease inner discomfort.

If you are now being hit by internal or outer discomforts , observe first that this is only a preview and the coming new year’s announcement to us the need to own self responsibility. The next month will present opportunities for insight into neglected parts of one’s self needing attention.

My suggestions to you are:

1.- Take nothing personally, what this means is that even if they appearing to, people and events are not really hurting you, you, consciously or unconsciously have created this situation to learn from.

2.-  Recognize the lesson presenting it’s self. Apply it  by taking leadership of your life .This means applying your strength and vitality towards constructive actions and ways of thinking.

3.-Keep your purity by accepting that these are only lessons you are manifesting to learn from and release self judgment around them. Recognize that you are not a bad person as you play them out. See that as a child cries or has a tantrum it does not mean that the child is bad. It is simply an expression that facilitates for us an insight about where we really are .

4.- Cultivate stillness and objectivity by not reacting immediately and impulsively towards what we perceive is causing us  pain, fear or anxiety. Rather  give things some time and space, some contemplation, meditation and silence, be kind to yourself. That is the only way through with impeccability.

5.- Be grateful you are alive and willing to change and receive the lessons.
The more openness you have towards them in your life the more profound the lessons are.

6. move your body, sweat a bit and enjoy your powerful breath !

1 comment:

  1. Thank-you for the gifts of these insights. I appreciate that they are concrete tools with which I can try to heal and become more peaceful.

    Cindy Baird


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