
Love and tenderness of oleation therapy

 As the month of May fades away and the spirit of deep detox is no longer in the air, I would like to suggest to you an ayurvedic practice that is not only delightful for the senses but a deep nourisher of your tissues and enhancer your meditation.

The treatment is call oleation (Snehana) and you can do it everyday at home or have  more deeply penetrating treatments with your practitioner. The benefits of this therapy are restfulness, strength, invigoration and cognition.

Oleation is used in ayurveda as a preliminary step in detoxification to loosen toxins (amma) in the body.
Oleation consists of saturating the body with herbal or medicated oils both internally and externally.

Internal oleation helps to loosen amma and move it from deeper tissues into the GI tract where other therapies can eliminate it.

External oleation consists of various treatments that saturate the body ( or parts of it) with medicated oils. The choice of oils depends on the particular needs and constitution of the individual.

A  medicated oil is prepared by macerating the fresh or dry herb material in oil over a period of weeks.  The result is an extract that is very useful for external application. Unlike water, fats are readily absorbed when applied to the body, penetrating through the skin into the underlying tissues, and even entering into the bloodstream. 

What I love about these treatments is that you can enjoy numerous applications on the body which also can positively   effect  the mind according to the herb oil we use and the part of the body we apply it to. Snehana or oleation therapy literally means love or tenderness.

I usually suggest this treatment to people that have difficulty giving   themselves the time and space to relax or to people   that simply do not have the habit of love themselves. It is also a very powerful treatment that emotionally balances low self esteem, and to heal any body conditions that are due to self  judgment and self hardness.

Mental oleation(application on the head) gives a chance to the mind to have an “empty” window, where  possibilities of self awareness may arise.

Let’s learn some terms for the external oleation:

  1. Applying warm oil over the body and then massaging it. This is called Abhyanga (oil massage)
  2. Warm medicated oil is poured continuously over the whole body this is called pizichil.
  3. In the third method called Gandhusha the mouth is filled with oil then it stays there for a while.
  4. Warm oil poured on the forehead is the fourth method. This is called Shirodhara.
  5. Method five is called Snehavagahana. A bath is filled with warm oil and you bath in it.

How to select your oil
You can use different oils to have any of the oleation treatments; the most common oils used for oleation are:

Dhanwantharam oil
is good for all body types, especially Vata and Pita. This is the most popular general massage oil. Named for the patron deity of Ayurveda, it is a fragrant, earthy oil containing numerous herbs. Featuring a potent anti-oxidant effect, it rejuvenates the body and skin and increases immunity. Beneficial for neurological and rheumatic diseases & Weakness as well as chronic Vata conditions and pre- and post-natal care. It is also a fine Shirodhara and head oil.

Sahachasadi oil,
This oil is anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic and is excellent for muscles and as a pain reducer (it’s great for people of old age). It helps heal tremors and convulsions, gynecological diseases and muscle or nerve damage. This oil is especially good for Vata and Kapha types.

Ashwagandha oil,
This vata-pacifying oil can be used to nourish and strengthen the muscles. Useful for athletes and those weakened by debility due to old age or illness. Literally meaning "strength", bala builds muscle mass and provides energy.

Bhringaraj Oil

A tridoshic oil traditionally used to encourage healthy hair growth and better sleep. Bhringaraj oil is an excellent choice for massaging the scalp and feet. It also cools the head and calms the mind.

One of my favorites to use on my head before meditation is Bhrami oil. It is a pitta-soothing oil that is beneficial for calming and clearing the mind and enhancing peaceful meditation. Brahmi is said to bestow intelligence upon its user and can be massaged into the scalp to promote awareness and mental function.

How to do this practice at home:

1.- Select the oil for your body type or condition ( ask your practitioner if you are not sure) You can also get a pitta, vatta or kapha oil already made for your constitution.

2.- Before showering, cover your whole body with the oil and  vigorously massage all parts of your body.

3.-  Waiting a few minutes for it to penetrate before showering is greatly beneficial, if not simply rinse the oil with warm water and use a  towel to remove the excess.

4.- For this practice to have an impact, do it for 10 to 15 days consecutively.

5.- You can also do oleation in the evening for a better sleep, (bhrami oil)

Relax and enjoy the richness of nature.

Where to get your oils:
Visit: http://www.banyanbotanicals.com I love their quality and organic properties.
There are other sources in the market with no guaranties of being organic.

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