
What is pitta dosha and tips to to keep it cool

I love to use the summer months to play in my garden for long hours or to contemplate the lake while  sunbathing.  I notice however that after a month of that routine I lose my enthusiasm for if I am not synchronizing my life style with the hot summer environment. 

The fire aspect in our body is in our stomach and in the digestion system. This fire (Pitta) is responsible for all type of transformational functions in the body and has the qualities of being: Hot, Sharp, Liquid and Oily. Therefore anything (in food or lifestyle) that has those qualities will increase the internal fire causing inner dis balance.

PITTA is made up of the elements of Fire and Water. Pitta qualities reflect those of its elements. They are hot, moist, light, fluid, sour, pungent, sharp and penetrating (intense). Pitta, like fire is trans formative. 

The water aspect of Pitta keeps its fire element from destruction. It is responsible for mental functions like confidence, ambition, focus, intelligence, and emotions like joy, excitement, courage, anger, jealousy and aggression. 

The Pitta fire is what transforms food to nutrients and sensory input to understanding and intelligent action. Pitta is responsible for digestion, absorption assimilation, and all metabolic transformation going on in the body as well as the mind. It also regulates the complexion and visual perception. 

Those with predominant Pitta are susceptible to skin conditions, heartburn, diarrhea, irritability, anger and overheating. Pitta types are aggravated by sour, pungent and salty flavors, excess heat, skipping meals, repressed emotions and hot, damp climates. So, they need the opposite tastes of bitter, sweet and astringent, and cool, dry, calm and sweet qualities, calming scents, and cooling teas and spices in order to maintain their sharp intelligence and vibrancy.

Tips to balance your internal fire:

1-.Eat the main meal at noon with the bulk of the food being Sweet, Astringent, Bitter in taste and slightly dry in texture. Make sure the food is pure and wholesome 

2.- Seek balance in all things, alternate hard work with leisure and rest. Choose activities or work where you have a sense of control.

3.-Decrease the use of stimulants. (coffee ,chocolates, cigarettes, to much tv, computer or people)Use instead cooling bitter herbs like aloe vera, dandelion, gentian and cilantro

4.-Wear clothing made of natural fiber such as cotton or silk. The best colors are lighter colors like white, cream, blue, green and purple.

5.- Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day and eat cooling foods ( see list below)

What foods  favor pitta?

Grains: White basmati rice, barley, corn, couscous, oat bran, 
  oats, wheat, wheat bran 

Vegetables:Bitter leafy greens, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, 
  cauliflower, celery, cucumber, mushrooms in small amount, 
  okra, onions(cooked in ghee), peas, sweet peppers, sweet potatoes, 
  pumpkin, sprouts, squash, green beans, zucchini. 

Legumes: Aduki beans, black beans, black-eyed peas, chick peas 
  (garbanzo beans), kidney beans, most other beans, lentils, 
  peas, soy products, must be cooked properly, once or twice a 

Spices: Cooling spices like cardamom, coriander seed, 
  cilantro leaves, fennel, fresh basil, dill, turmeric, small 
  amounts of cumin and fresh ginger.

Fruits: Sweet fruits such as apples, apricots, avocado, berries, 
  coconuts, dates, figs, grapes, sweet melons, sweet oranges, 
  plums, pomegranates.

Dairy: Most fresh dairy is good such as fresh ghee, 
  fresh whole milk(properly cooked).

Meats: Pittas are best suited with a vegetarian diet; however, 
  the following meats are the least aggravating: 
  chicken(white meat), turkey(white meat) which should be baked or 

Nuts: Few nuts, most are too oily and heating, sunflower 
  and almonds can be good in moderation.

Oils:  Ghee, sunflower, olive, canola, small amounts of 

Take one step at the time to go through the kitchen and adjust your summer grocery list, it is surely worthwhile to keep the glow of the fire in all you do and in all you are. 

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