
Getting into the Vortex

Thank you Carolyn Taylor for forward this beautiful message.
Your sophisticated physical body exists because of the intelligence of your cells. And the intelligence of your cells exists because of their Connection to Source Energy.

When doctors and scientists try to find cures for diseases without taking into consideration the Vibrational relationship between the physical Being and Source Energy, they are looking for cures in all the wrong places. If the resistance that disallowed the Well-Being to begin with is not released, it will show up in the form of another and another disease.


San pedro ceremony pic.

Thank you to all the participants of the San Pedro ceremony. As a facilitator always new things to learn from the plant spirits and from each of you. Here a few pictures of the walk to sacred places.

candida: tips to healed it.

By Rachel Freeman.

This article contains information and opinions of the writer, which do not necessarily reflect those of Bhuvaneswari teachings. Any advise accepted is solely the responsibility of the reader.
My relationship with candida overgrowth started in third year university.

The salad days of my youth were coming to an end. Life was good, and I was generally healthy.

However, I didn’t feel healthy. I was always tired, and seemed to always be fighting off a cold or a flu. I had constant sugar cravings. I would sometimes get a weird dry pastiness in my mouth. Something was off.

welcome to 2012

Dear One:
The New Year opens its door towards an empty room of wonder and possibility. With it there are new choices as the building blocks of matter are very much in a mysterious dance.
It is a year that invites the seeker to see things in a fresh, dynamic and original way. Personal intentions and the inner commitment seem to me to be the key to maintaining a positive level of energy.

How to release inner anger.

This exercise needs to be done for 40 consecutive days.
Select a place where you can go every day and safely release  for 11 minutes.

Inflamation, inner anger and the bioenergetic impact

If you understand and recognize in yourself inner anger as a passive current of resentment in your life, as an attitude of blame, a victim or just simply and inner discontent toward others or yourself, you may be entrapped in inner anger.

11 days healing with turmeric.

In the Hindu tradition, turmeric has being offered to the divine in different ceremonial rites as part of a demonstration of gratitude and grace. You can do the same thing in your own kitchen and also by choosing to use turmeric as a healing agent in your life.
You can use this therapy to address physical conditions as well as to solidify yourself as a divine identity.

Turmeric: the divine golden king to health and unity.

Turmeric is one of the main spices in Satya blends. All doshas can benefit from the wonders of this rhizome. Turmeric grows in tropical climates, and is harvested annually.
Turmeric is originally from southern Asia, where it was domesticated and used prominently for both medicinal and religious purposes. Turmeric is no longer found in a wild state, but it is believed to have been developed from the continual selection and cultivation of wild curcuma.