
Inflamation, inner anger and the bioenergetic impact

If you understand and recognize in yourself inner anger as a passive current of resentment in your life, as an attitude of blame, a victim or just simply and inner discontent toward others or yourself, you may be entrapped in inner anger.
Inner anger dwells in the memory of our cells, and it is triggered by new challenges. Inner anger is subtle because it is produced in a subtle way. An act that you may consider innocent, like waking up in the morning, taking time to plan your day with the things you like to do, but as soon as you step out of bed you do something else, is a set up for inner anger. This inner betrayal creates inner confusion, inner resentment, and inner distrust.  

We spend a lot of time unaware of this constant betrayal of the present moment. We refuse to dance with the spontaneous law of life and we adopt a frame of mind that spoils the creative potential of life.
It is not about doing what we think we need to do in the morning, it is about allowing the natural forces of nature to flow through us in a conscious and compassionate way.
The resistance to ally your self with nature creates inner discontent, inner injustice, and inner isolation.
At the cellular level, it is experienced as a “punch in the natural pulsation of life”. As we punch over and over, inflammation and  restlessness arise, as does a constant attitude of being on guard.
It is interesting to observe how scientist have studied the process of oxidation, which is the responsible for cellular damage, inflation and decay. Oxidation occurs when one cell “loses” it electron and “borrows” one from another cell. This process that we have accepted as natural and which causes aging, does not need to be natural. This process is a result of an inner attitude. Each cell has a commander, a queen and a king that takes care of its perpetual evolution. That commander is your presence, your neutrality, and your compassion.
Each cell does not need to die. Each cell in a mystic way has the opportunity to be light, vibrate light and become light. Our habit of inner abandonment (mostly by locating our self out of the present moment) is responsible for deep resentment and is an impediment of our cellular evolution.
Each cell is like a child loaded with cosmic intelligence, they know that they can expand far, and learn and become, but each cell is currently, at the current point human evolution, a victim of limitation and bad nourishment.
Inner anger is not a small thing, it is not just an emotion, it is a consequence of our ignorance in front of our cellular potential.
The further away you are from obeying the natural you, the more inner anger accumulates in your organs, and the more you suffer from inflammation.

Inner anger is genetically transmitted. At the moment of conception all the evolutionary information of earth and matter is transferred into the new cell’s life, including the cell’s limitations and potentials.
Every time you don’t speak your truth, or respond with integrity to the requests of life, you are signing up for accumulating more inner anger.
Every time you perceive yourself as being smaller that your life, you are at risk to store more inner anger.
Every time you envy, blame or put yourself in a powerless position you create inner anger.
Every time you let others manipulate your convictions or submit you integrity to an outer or inner circumstance, you are creating inner anger.
Every time you twist, accommodate or rationalize your creativity, your sexuality and your sensuality, you create inner anger.
Every time you are not in your body, but in the land of expectations and perfection, you are accumulating inner anger.
From the bioenergetic point of view, I hold inner anger and self-subdivision responsible for the presence of oxidation in our cells. Oxidation creates tissue inflation; inflammation is conducive to illness, decay and death.
I also hold you responsible for your inner evolution by your personal choice to release inner anger. Your efforts work on the whole; your effort is a conscious responsibility, and contribution to human evolution.

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