
Growing into infinity

I had never noticed the background voices  still actively present in my mind of my biological parents until I had children. I found myself repeating the same sentences and patterns  that my parents used in dealing with  me. Luckily enough I had a lovely relationship with them and did not feel that passing it on to my own children would be detrimental to them. However, it was not me, my role as a mother was somehow cluttered by a previous point of reference leaving me with less room to explore my identity as a mother.

Later on I started noticing that the voices where interfering in other areas of my relationships and choices I made in life. It did not matter that I  lived away from them or even that one of them had passed away The truth was that they were still living with me and acting through my mind.

As the process of energetic disengagement starts to be conscious and supported by specific meditations, this voice begins to be more distant They took a position of a background giving a certain flavor to the mind, but not directing my choices or my right to explore my own identity.

The magic however of this work, is that as the influence of the biological voices which were debilitating my actions was removed a more wide awareness entered into my path. Using my daily practice as a vehicle I got more and more in contact with my spiritual parents. It was at first not a concept, but the feeling and knowing that I was carried, protected and loved with the same dedication compassion and forgiveness that my biological parents had with me. However something was different, something was wider, something put me in a plane of expansion.
The sky became the roof of my home .outside in nature ,my living room.

I slowly realized that  I was becoming a citizen of the world, that I was safe, and that everything was supplied to me in the moment that I needed it. I felt embraced and contained enough to explore my life choices and to learn step by step it”s lessons.

I also realized that this conscious ceremony to disengage from our biological parents is a practice that has being lost in our culture. From primitive times  young boys and girls had a ceremony of passage which took them from childhood into young adulthood. They were celebrated, honored and given different responsibilities in their community.   This ceremony of acknowledgement  gave them the inner pride to be initiated into their own life.

RA ceremony gives us a perspective of the contract which we have made with your biological parents, some experiences may be painful, some satisfying but both offer an attachment that we sooner or later have to deal with .
RA offers a universal perspective that we as individuals have guides and support systems. Just to know I had been unconditionaly mothered on a bigger level relaxed my whole being.

I usually invite teens to do this ceremony, however it is open to any one interested in exploring their own identity as well as experiencing the bigger picture of being a child of the universal community. I also invite to this ceremony people that are dealing with feelings of being unsupported ,abandoned, and not being grounded. People with strong attachment to parents or insecurities to be living on earth can also benefit from this simple, powerful and beautiful full day ceremony.

May your soul stand in it own brilliance, power and beauty. And may you be a source of awareness that we are not alone in this universe, that we are loved passionately, compassionately and constantly.

1 comment:

  1. Hello teacher!

    Thank you for the wonderful Ra Ceremony, it was quite insightful and 'lightening'. I had a few questions that I'd like to swing by you:

    * can two people have the same spiritual mother?
    yes, remember the big circle around the smaller one? the mother is the shakty the energy of the famine, it belong to all...

    * what happens when a parent doesn't honor his contract toward his child, or is that even possible?
    them ruptures are harder, the child struggle to get free, and the mother becomes possessive, the relationship is not upgraded, them is obsolete, death, difficult.

    *can a parent have a contract as a 'parent' and then as a 'teacher' to the same child?
    Of course, I am a good example, at the age of 14 we did the ceremony with the children and they reevaluate the teacher contract, they accepted and that is our main relationship with them now,
    when I cross the line, they surely remind me off the contract, is quite fascinating that situation, and when done counciously is a pure delight !

    Thank you, I look forward to our next meeting,


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