

Dear One;
Surely the divine knows how to fulfill our sacred intentions with delightfull events, bittersweet surprises and spontaneous synchronicity.

I have just finished our annual retreat in Costa Rica.
I consciously chose a place on earth that has the most dynamic bio activity on the planet with the intention of experiencing, collecting and aligning with  the vibration of unity that such a virgin place can offer. We were in peninsula Osa, dwelling in simple wood cabins with no walls, no electricity and with a lovely pure running water. The cabins are surrounded by exotic gardens, they face the ocean and are backed by a primary rain forest (never being cut) which was displaying a potent, fragrant and pungent life.

Our setting was surely offering what I was looking for, however, as a facilitator of the retreat, I never know the shape my intentions will take and what really the lessons will be about it.

We were a group of 10 people, all of us experienced meditators with a high spirit of adventure, openness and desire to know the Self.

It is in this place, with these people, that I got exposed to and tasted what a perfect balance of life is, and what is required for that to happen.

Each day we started at 4 am and received the dawn in meditation and with ‘agni hotra”  (fire ceremony).

Each day our senses where invaded by mysterious sounds and smells that distinctly announced the arrival of the day.
From a place of stillness our humanness was reduced to a vulnerable existence. What I  witnessed was an avalanche of different insects, birds, and monkeys pushing away the energies of the night  and declaring their territory in the new day. Each animal community contributed to the creation of an intense vibration of OM. They where loud and completely un-apologetic about their role. This same exact phenomenon happened in the evening, with the appearance of completely different types of insects, birds and mammals.

I was an observer, watching the delicate forces of destruction and creation at work.
I was just in the middle of this constant dance, witnessing and realizing that this can only happen when all the ants  are together just being ants, when all the thousands of crickets got together and agreed to sing at the same time, when all the bats resounded the same tone , when all the trees opened or closed their flowers at the same time.
They all play their parts with a precise synchronicity ,and with a total embracing of their community.
 It was all about them being together, it was all about them being who they were and doing their best in being what they were. That was their strength and their contribution to make the forest a place of perfect balance, a place of vibrant unity.

This unity (absence of duality) that I experienced was achieved by witnessing and  embracing this dynamic with affection, gratitude and friendliness . It was subtlely (and some times violently) installed in my body every time I sat in  still contemplation.
I realized then that our whole human role in this dance is simply to witness  and to allow it to happened as part of the life we had chosen to experience.

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