
What is integral meditation

Integral meditation is a gift for those who are ready to grow into their full totality.
Integral meditation condenses the teachings of the structure of being, which identifies the existence of 12 bodies. Four of those bodies belong to earth and are submitted to earth laws.  Four bodies belong to love, therefore they function under different laws and principals. The other 4 bodies belong to the realm of the spirit with their living expression on the level of vibration and stillness .
This meditation stimulates and harmonizes all these bodies, including the chakras, and the pranic bodies.

It involves a process of integration, of cleansing and vibrational nourishment.
I admire the simplicity of this meditation with it"s  power to release anxiety, mind conversations, depression or any negative vibrations.

I  launched this meditation with the total awareness of the celebration and joy that it produces in it"s practitioners . I am giving this meditation in the form of a course so that the aspirant understands the needs, location and processes  of all their bodies. The course welcomes advanced meditators as well as new aspirants.

The integral meditation course is supported this year by small workshops that will enrich the depths of the practice and will supply to you a foundation to assimilate the new upcoming energies on the earth little by little so your physical and emotional bodies can harmonize them in a smooth and gentle way. Each month we will offer an enrichment that will leave you with much joy and inner stability.

This meditation is a self-training for those who wish to vibrate in Unity and illumination. It is a call for wellness, centeredness and self-responsibility.


Thank you for the chance to be in your lovely caring presence and learn the steps for integration. It is amazing how it just creates the hollow on empty so quickly. It was wonderful to slow down, process and eliminate all the unnecessary energetic stuff I was carrying around. I look forward to the practice and integrating more.


I was thinking on the drive home yesterday about the energy at the end of the integration meditation and how I described it as lovely and enveloping and maybe cradling. Finding the words to describe it was challenging but during our drive home, the words sweet and gooey came to mind. I was surprised that gooey did because I think you described love energy as a goo, but I couldn't quite imagine how that could be. What I observed was not a sticky goo, but a soft energy with a noticeable density.....love syrup :) This is making me giggle right now....


Thank you for the hand-out. It is very useful.
Feeling lighter today. I am still in awe at what happened
to me when my parts came back. Woah!!! 

Thank you so much for today, it was delightful to be in your graceful presence and to bathe in your ever so subltle and yet so profound knowledge. I look forward to embarking in this new journey, it is very exciting to have had the priviledge of being with you fo some time while your whole being was developing this integral meditation. It is a beautiful synthesis of the many gifts you have given us over the years and more...

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