
Mother principal meditation

In esoteric teachings, we always encounter the concept of the divine mother, the primal force, the creator or the one that expresses the divine in multiple forms.
We are considered to be the  child of that energy, she is the one that is nourishing, protective and given all and to all, as a mother is.

This meditation is a call to that force within ourself, is a prayer, is a recognition that we are under a big force that unconditionally care for us.

How to do the meditation:

Sit with the spine straight with your legs cross.
Make a fist of both hands infront of the heart. The left palm faces up and the rigth palm faces down.
Extend the little finger of the left hand and hook it under and around the thumb of the right hand. Pull to create a slight tension. Close your eyes and focus at the brow point.

Inhale deeply and chant in a monotone the mantra
(pronounced AH EE MAH) once per breath as you exhale.

In hale again and repeat. Each syllable is long and takes approximately one third of the breath. Chant for 11 minutes. You can extend the chanting to 15,22 or 31 minutes if you whish.

To end:
Inhale deeply, hold, pull on the finger and thumb. Exhale. Sit quietly with the eyes closed.
relax and enjoy your inner space.

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