
Paradox ,The Gatekeeper To Truth

By Matthew Cosgrove
Bhuvaneswari and I have received at times  feedback that there are irregularities and discrepancies in our teachings .My wife is as uncompromising in her work as a spiritual teacher as she is in life. She will do things like ask her husband to come and be beside her as her grounder on woman’s empowerment day in front of 60 woman and the community knowing full well how this could be viewed by some as a contradictory message.She simply remains true to and responds to her inner truth at any given moment ,regardless of outcome. This way of being defies the constrictions of social consciousness and can draw out the judgments of ego. The master ‘s emptiness directly reflects exactly everything that we  ourselves are holding at that moment .

This presence and emptiness is the absolute focus in the now .We are in the present moment. Our emptiness and stillness  opens the channel for vision and possibilities of healing and expansion .

 This way of being,of living in the moment, can also create paradox as became evident last weekend when we held a silent retreat in Wakefield .The limited mind and ego would like everything to be linear and logical, including spiritual teachings .But truth is not linear and logical .At times it’s light only can shine if we enter into the world of the unknown. 

Paradox is the gatekeeper to truth because it challenges all who wish to pass .We cannot proceed without a passport that can only be acquired by courageously dropping what we think we know .Once in, the intellect can easily maneuver and follow the pathways which are defined and framed by these parallel realities .

There were three days of processes, practices and silent meditation .Bhuvaneswari and I complement each other’s teachings,her providing the scope and expansion of sky  through practices and ritual and I provide the simplicity of earth based ceremony and presence in the moment .

My last day’s  satsang was that spiritual awakening Is right now ,it is the Is that will never be and never was,it only Is ,it is the simplest and most uncomplicated truth of being. I said that we really have nothing to do because as long as we think we have to complete this or that many practices and attain certain goals we will never cross, because we will then always be pursuing a projected point and never enter the absolute now. This contributed  to the paradox we create together .She says action while I say stillness ,she says go and do while I say stop and she says be while I say you already are .

The teachings about the “is”are true, but so is the absolute importance of keeping up these strengthening practices that we teach  because there are a link to our true being.If we are buried in baggage and turmoil we need to know how to dig ourselves out. We also need the neutral reflection that teachers provide along the way .  Both these truths are right yet seem contradictory ,one is that we need to keep up practices,and the other is that we don’t really need to do anything because the Is is immediate and always within ourselves right now.

This is the great paradox that masters throughout the ages have created as they teach doing without doing, stillness in action and being while not being. Paradox is where the road ends and the sign says  ‘’no more vehicles beyond this point’’ and when the teacher takes you to the edge of your known world and says ‘‘drop the ego and jump’’.

Matthew Cosgrove

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