
Prayer: A Human gift

The misconception of prayers

How many times have I heard, “I don’t know how to pray?” What should I say?
How is this really done?
It is sad to see a man or a woman without the realization that their thoughts, intentions and actions are the actual living prayers to their own life, to their own destiny.
The misconception of seeing a god outside of us has lead us to the position of a beggar, a position of inferiority, fear and guilt. How far can we get from that divine force that preserves with immense care the justice, peace and harmony of our existence? How unfair we can get when our narrow mind sees the prayer as a religious rite instead of a humble self-responsibility of our inner capacities?

Any one can be grateful and graceful

At any time we can stop for a moment and contemplate our daily routine not as a battle of survival, nor as a competition with time and people, but as an abundant resource of plentitude, inspiration and love. We have the ability to generate a juicy perspective in our minds that will nourish every cell of our body with love, harmony and health. Prayer keeps you wealthy, keeps you inspired, positive and fulfilled, with an attitude of cooperation and enthusiasm.
We can also deliver our ideas, opinions and inspirations to others in a way that is neutral, involving instead of excluding, receptive instead of defensive, or creative instead of destructive. This position is a prayer to life, a prayer of respect and honor.

We are a prayer

The perfection of our existence - it does not matter how futile, painful or meaningless we think it is - it is still a creation of the creator. We unfortunately cannot comprehend the details of our learning process, and adopt the bad habit of judging. However, if we are able to accept and surrender in front of our preferences and aversions, we enter naturally into a state of constant prayer of gratitude towards our life, towards our body, towards our experiences and towards all of the moments we fulfill with noble intentions.

Activating your inner resources through prayer

We are created as a holographic representation of the universe. The divine play has a trinity of energies: the energy of creation, the energy of preservation and the energy of destruction. Their interplay moves all of the dynamics of all existing beings, in all realms and in all dimensions. We are made as a perfect image of the whole, with similar capacities, virtues and sensibilities.
Through the purity of your intentions, concentration and innocent meditation, these three properties of the universe become available to you, to serve you so you may serve others.

We are the whole universe

Once we realize that we contain all of the forces of the universe, we start developing a sense of honoring and wondering about ourselves and our lives. Until we realize the immensity that lies within ourselves, we will maintain a narrow perception of our potentials and possibilities. We will tend to minimize our creativity, and ultimately follow a flat way of living.
I would like to invite you to develop the humble habit of connecting and praying to various aspects of yourself. Here are some examples you may want to adopt.

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