
Prayer to the I am

The divine seed

You have an infinite seed that is carried from life to life.  It is your most innate power and strength. It is untouchable and indestructible. You have an inner light that can achieve anything you decide to do or manifest. That natural creative intellect of yours is expressive and expansive, unique to you like your fingerprints.  If you have neglected this part of you, you easily get depressed and have a sense of no-self.  Others easily influence you:  you get pessimistic, weak and cannot commit. You have a hard time being in your skin in a relaxed and natural way.  You start thinking and thinking over everything and over everybody. Slowly this attitude will isolate you.

Prayer to   the I am

My true identity is
the One creator
who lives in all creation.
My mind cannot conceive of,
nor experience its
infinite expanse.
It is by the order of the infinite
that I have my particular
I experience my true nature:
 I am the prana
I am part
of everyone and
is part of me.
Therefore I am kind to all.
Not being kind to all hurts myself.
When I am compassionate to
I experience
kindness for myself and
I experience the deepest
essence of myself
as the giver of life.
This is the first step to

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