The Psychiatrist & The Proctologist
Best friends graduated from medical school at the same time and decided that, in spite of two different specialties, they would open a practice together to share office space and personnel.
Dr. Smith was the psychiatrist and Dr. Jones was the proctologist; they put up a sign reading: "Dr. Smith and Dr. Jones: Hysterias and Posteriors". The town council was livid and insisted they change it.
So, the docs changed it to read: "Schizoids and Hemorrhoids". This was also not acceptable, so they again changed the sign. "Catatonics and High Colonics" - No go. Next, they tried "Manic Depressives and Anal Retentives" - thumbs down again.. Then came "Minds and Behinds" - still no good. Another attempt resulted in "Lost Souls and Butt Holes" - unacceptable again! So they tried "Analysis and Anal Cysts" - not a chance. "Nuts and Butts" - no way. "Freaks and Cheeks" - still no good. "Loons and Moons" - forget it. Almost at their wit's end, the docs finally came up with: "Dr. Smith and Dr. Jones - Specializing in Odds and Ends". Everyone loved it.
15 years aniversary of the bioenergetics pic
they are not protesting, but singing a traditional latin holiday song |
food was made with Satya spices |
show after dinner |
acting and singing |
warming up |
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puja to satya |
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pierre and nara |
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devi erika |
latinamericans opened the dance floor |
after that all went wild |
Satya spices for everyone |
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peaceful rest after dancing. |
How to Pray: a healing practice
We need time, commitment and sincerity in this task. We will surely be challenged, upgraded and given the space to see our fundamentals more clearly.
The realization that the core of your being is your soul, the realization that you were born and you will die, and during that time you will pay karma, learn lessons and seek to be better, the realization that you were born with talents and unique gifts that you need to honor, the realization that your past is a key to your future, that any moment you have lived fully form a background for your next step, and that a clear and aware path creates fulfillment in your life.
Prayer to the expander
The divine expander
The expander, the one that knows what is divine and can access divinity in any prayer. It is a deep security in oneself, because you realize you are a son or daughter of a caring, loving and compassionate god. You can supply that sense of security and expansion to others, and you are confident in your social interactions.
If you are not in touch with that divine part of you, you feel insecure and look for external ways to achieve that security or that expansion. You have a hard time nourishing yourself as a divine being--to know what you need in order to feel safe and relaxed.
Prayer to the protector
prayer to the protector
The divine protector
You have the ability to protect your life force, your center. You can discern information, you can identify yourself and your life with truth. You can connect and obey your higher purpose and divinity. You can connect to people and events. You move softly with grace, and have the valor to face any difficulty.
When we don’t connect to that part of ourselves we suffer from disconnection, we compare ourselves to others and use all our energy to fail in our relationships. We feel inept and fearful.
Prayer to the I am
prayer to the I am
The divine seed
You have an infinite seed that is carried from life to life. It is your most innate power and strength. It is untouchable and indestructible. You have an inner light that can achieve anything you decide to do or manifest. That natural creative intellect of yours is expressive and expansive, unique to you like your fingerprints. If you have neglected this part of you, you easily get depressed and have a sense of no-self. Others easily influence you: you get pessimistic, weak and cannot commit. You have a hard time being in your skin in a relaxed and natural way. You start thinking and thinking over everything and over everybody. Slowly this attitude will isolate you.
Prayer: A Human gift
The misconception of prayers
How many times have I heard, “I don’t know how to pray?” What should I say?
How is this really done?
It is sad to see a man or a woman without the realization that their thoughts, intentions and actions are the actual living prayers to their own life, to their own destiny.
The misconception of seeing a god outside of us has lead us to the position of a beggar, a position of inferiority, fear and guilt. How far can we get from that divine force that preserves with immense care the justice, peace and harmony of our existence? How unfair we can get when our narrow mind sees the prayer as a religious rite instead of a humble self-responsibility of our inner capacities?
Any one can be grateful and graceful
At any time we can stop for a moment and contemplate our daily routine not as a battle of survival, nor as a competition with time and people, but as an abundant resource of plentitude, inspiration and love. We have the ability to generate a juicy perspective in our minds that will nourish every cell of our body with love, harmony and health. Prayer keeps you wealthy, keeps you inspired, positive and fulfilled, with an attitude of cooperation and enthusiasm.
We can also deliver our ideas, opinions and inspirations to others in a way that is neutral, involving instead of excluding, receptive instead of defensive, or creative instead of destructive. This position is a prayer to life, a prayer of respect and honor.
We are a prayer
The perfection of our existence - it does not matter how futile, painful or meaningless we think it is - it is still a creation of the creator. We unfortunately cannot comprehend the details of our learning process, and adopt the bad habit of judging. However, if we are able to accept and surrender in front of our preferences and aversions, we enter naturally into a state of constant prayer of gratitude towards our life, towards our body, towards our experiences and towards all of the moments we fulfill with noble intentions.
Activating your inner resources through prayer
We are created as a holographic representation of the universe. The divine play has a trinity of energies: the energy of creation, the energy of preservation and the energy of destruction. Their interplay moves all of the dynamics of all existing beings, in all realms and in all dimensions. We are made as a perfect image of the whole, with similar capacities, virtues and sensibilities.
Through the purity of your intentions, concentration and innocent meditation, these three properties of the universe become available to you, to serve you so you may serve others.
We are the whole universe
Once we realize that we contain all of the forces of the universe, we start developing a sense of honoring and wondering about ourselves and our lives. Until we realize the immensity that lies within ourselves, we will maintain a narrow perception of our potentials and possibilities. We will tend to minimize our creativity, and ultimately follow a flat way of living.
I would like to invite you to develop the humble habit of connecting and praying to various aspects of yourself. Here are some examples you may want to adopt.
Our Birth in Unity/Abwoon d'bwashmaya
lords prayer

The below translation of The Lord's Prayer from Aramaic to English is taken from the book, Prayers of the Cosmos by Neil Douglas-Klotz.
I remember going to Niagara falls with my friend kristina for long 10 to 15 days retreat with sufi masters. We did that for 10 years, during the retreats, many mystic body prayers were practiced. The original version of the lord's prayers was without doughs the one that resonate the most with me.
The prayers were danced in Aramaic, the original language that Jesus spoke.
Here is the English translation by Neill Douglas. King James V version: Our Father which art in heaven
The power and purpose of Ceremony
ceremony and prayer
By Matthew Cosgrove
Ceremony is the greatest form of gift giving we humans possess.
Their power is in the intent we charge them with. A true prayer from the
heart echoes through all layers of creation, from the underworld of the
earth and our unconscious, to the conscious physical and to the upper
world of spirit.
Ceremony is the greatest form of gift giving we humans possess.
Their power is in the intent we charge them with. A true prayer from the
heart echoes through all layers of creation, from the underworld of the
earth and our unconscious, to the conscious physical and to the upper
world of spirit.
kale chips
kale chips
Kale is rich in vitamin A, K, and C, but that does not make kale the super food that it is. Kale is also the green to enrich the minerals in your blood. It contains magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, potassium, zinc and iron.
Minerals are good for all of us, but especially for our air constitution, Vatta.
Eat kale cooked, boiled or as a snack in the form of chips.
I personally recommend this snack for Kaphas.
Minerals are good for all of us, but especially for our air constitution, Vatta.
Eat kale cooked, boiled or as a snack in the form of chips.
I personally recommend this snack for Kaphas.
Prayer to pacify man tempers: So purk
so purk
One time in India, no far away, was a very holy man, a saint full of compassion, sweetness and devotion. His name was Nanak. Guru Nanak was loved by many, especially women who enjoyed sitting with him long hours and listening to his captivating songs of divine love.
When the woman returned home, they found their husband no happy or interested in more mundane matters. The group of woman devotees requested from Nanak what they can do to alleviate their husband’s tempers. Nanak, in full understanding of the difference between the man and the woman, and the gift that woman have to influence their creation, went for a 10 days retreat.
sioux prayer
I’m an Indian.
I think about the common things like this pot.
The bubbling water comes from the rain cloud.
It represents the sky.
The fire comes from the sun,
Which warms us all, men, animals, trees.
The meat stands for the four-legged creatures,
Our animal brothers,
Who gave themselves so that we should live.
The steam is living breath.
It was water, now it goes up to the sky,
Becomes a cloud again.
These things are sacred.
Looking at that pot full of good soup,
I am thinking how, in this simple manner,
The Great Spirit takes care of me.
I think about the common things like this pot.
The bubbling water comes from the rain cloud.
It represents the sky.
The fire comes from the sun,
Which warms us all, men, animals, trees.
The meat stands for the four-legged creatures,
Our animal brothers,
Who gave themselves so that we should live.
The steam is living breath.
It was water, now it goes up to the sky,
Becomes a cloud again.
These things are sacred.
Looking at that pot full of good soup,
I am thinking how, in this simple manner,
The Great Spirit takes care of me.
Prayer and Beauty
prayer and beauty
Contribution from face to grace
Someone once said that prayer is when we talk to God and meditation is when we listen to Him/Her. It seems that recently my prayers are mostly about gratefulness for the flow in my life despite the chaos of moving and my computer’s demise. Friends and family answered my calls for help when the movers didn’t show up and was soon blessed with visitors of all ages to my new place.
Someone once said that prayer is when we talk to God and meditation is when we listen to Him/Her. It seems that recently my prayers are mostly about gratefulness for the flow in my life despite the chaos of moving and my computer’s demise. Friends and family answered my calls for help when the movers didn’t show up and was soon blessed with visitors of all ages to my new place.
How to introduce prayer to children
yoga for children
Contribution from Anamda Sly
Children naturally love to do Bhakti yoga that is so easily incorporated into children’s yoga. They express devotion in a simple and natural way, free of the ego. The purpose of this yoga is to merge with Divine Love, internally and externally.
Bhakti yoga uses deities such as Shiva, Vishnu or masters such as Krishna or Buddha or the image of a teacher who represents divine Love and inspiration. Some of the devotional practices include Kirtan – mantras and Japa – devotional songs. Children respond naturally to new songs, chants and rituals and learn new words and absorb the benefit of the mantra quickly.
pick of peru feb 2011
peru feb 2011
Dear One:
On the surface, our group of 15 people could have been seen as just another group of tourists visiting and doing the normal things tourist do .Yes we had fun visiting but our main intention was to be bathed by the sacredness of the Andes, and our intent played out like something orquestrated by the divine.
Each movement I did, each face I saw, each place I stayed, each meal I took, each souvenir I bought was experienced with an almost tai-chi like flow of perfection.
It was not until we arrived to machupichu that I realized that my body, and the bodies of the group were being filled up with tiny codes of light. Each code or figurine was attached to another code forming a tapestry of color and texture similar to the ones we encounter in the peruvian textiles.
As time progressed the codes requested inner space and acceptance from our part, at the same time a profound peace and understanding of the times which are to come landed in my awareness.
The group and I were experiencing physical changes in different ways, with the changes came a shift in our frequencies that was beautifully supported by nature, and by the inka priests and healers of that land.
The transmutation was surely at the cellular level, leaving in myself a naked awareness that in this moment of time the Andes of Peru are holding a living energy that is a treasure ready to support the consciousness of the new world.
I am shy to share this information since words do no justice to the deeply felt profound understanding that the journey there pierced into my awareness . I do however feel an energetic ability to relay knowledge through meditation or other forms of non verbal transmitions.
I am grateful for all the years of inner practice and self inquiry, so I can come home and take the time for my body to assimilate and translate into my daily life the frequencies that I had received.
After a few weeks in Peru I flew to Colombia, my mother land. The tropical climate and atmosphere charged with colors and history, the sand and the water, the warmth of the people and family offered a different type of inner food. I realized how fortunate we are here in Canada, with so much space, silence and wealth.
As I witnessed people with so little , yet so happy to share a simple conversation with us, I realized that beauty and good fortune are indeed in the eye of the beholder .
As I write this note I still feel the sacred pilgrimage unfolding within myself with it's mysterious wonders, it's unknown possibilities of transformation and an endless fountain of peace and gratitude.
I hold in my heart an intimate closeness to the group I traveled with and to the people that hosted us with such care. I was fortunate to stay in Cuzco with Virginia in the "Casa de la serenidad", she surely has the spirit of the mother ready to supply the most minuscule details that assure our safety and comfort.
I am also grateful to have the opportunity to come home and see my life showered with new perspectives, possibilities and vitality. I surely, one more time place my trust in the profound changes that the yearly pilgrimage provides.
Here are some pictures for you to enjoy ,
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This is the milky way depicted by the inkas, you can see the frog, the llama, the wolf as part of their cosmology. |
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We are walking in the healing terrace of the inkas in Machupichu, more close to the heavens it can not be. |
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We performed a "call" ceremony to the masters of Ascention in Machupichu |
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Bhuvaneswari with tears of joy in the temple of the sun in Machupichu. |
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At the sacred gate. |
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Our teaching space in Urubamba. The Shaman Antonio and Fred his apprentice. |
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Sunset in Lima |
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having fun in the local market in Cusco. |
tip to sleep better
Insomnia is a Vata condition that affects many people, especially during the fall (Vata) season.
Putting 6 to 8 drops of patchouli essential oil, a sedative, in your diffuser will alleviate or eradicate that condition. And look how synchronicity works! It also is a tonic for the liver.
Photos from Peru Oct 2011
Peru Oct 2011
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Amazing patience and love |
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a pick of our group in the San pedro ceremony at " la casa de la serenidad |
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In the way to lake titicaca, we participate in the small village festivities |
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Procession to celebrate the foundation of an Inca village |
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Our Group after visiting the Commercial site of the Incas, via Juliaca |
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Contemplation after the ceremony in the Royal Cemetery of the Incas. |
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Trading at the floating islands of the Uros |
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Swimming at sacred Lake titicaca at 4.300 mts of altitude |
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Stone therapy at the shore of Lake titicaca in the Bolivia side. |
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Ariana being dressed by Catalina in the floating island of the Uros in Puno |
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That grass stick they are chewing is the base of diet and architecture in the island of the Uros. Impresive |
Gate to Bolivia |
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Our friends in the floating island of the Uros |
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The 5th dimensional gate, where we perform ceremonies |
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at "La raya" the highest point in our journey, notice the Nevado in the back. |
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At the temple of the Sun in Otamaya |
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Isla del sol in Bolivia, powerful ceremonies and awareness we got in here. |
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Shopping in Cuzco, it never ends.... |
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Our Mecca, the temple of the sun in Cuzco. |
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